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Series 3070-HI Hurricane/Impact Rated Sliding Door System

Finger Touch Operation

Archetype Rollers: Fleetwood maintains the industry reputation as having the best rolling doors. To keep that prominence we have designed the Archetype Rolling System. It is a stainless steel tandem roller comprised of two 3" diameter wheels with authentic precision bearings produced by our partner in Switzerland. It is so good our competitors turned from scoffers to imitators.

Track Insert: If you will take the time to study the roller track you will see a unique design. Our track is a solid aluminum base that receives a heavy gauge stainless steel insert. Cheaper designs offer an aluminum runner and a metal cap. Our track will last longer, can handle more weight and is easily replaced.

Air Leakage: Wood and vinyl swell and shrink as the weather changes. DO NOT be fooled by those windows and doors that tout "U-value = energy efficiency." To understand the U-value test is to know that it is a misleading rating. During the test all weep holes, seams, etc are sealed shut? No wonder wood and vinyl perform so well in this "test" because only material is tested and not the product. Real conditions cause expansion and contraction, which allows energy to come right through the frame. Aluminum has infinitesimal movement during weather change, which causes it to be efficient year in and year out.

Weather-stripping Balance: In window and door manufacturing there is a balance that must be maintained with the type, size and quantity of weather-stripping. Too much and the door is hard to operate; too little and the door rolls well but does not keep out water and wind effectively. The "HI" has achieved the proper balance.